Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The name

How did Skull Creek Ranch get it's name?

Well, Dave and I have been discussing a name for a future place since last September when we had seriously thought about moving to Fort Nelson and buying land there. He wanted something to do with oil (of course! lol!) and I wanted something that would sound good with livestock on paper.  We never really thought we would come up with a name we both liked, never mind one we LOVED. Well, we decided on our first camping trip up there to let the land name itself. One of the first things we stumbled upon was a cow skull in the creek. I jokingly said we should call it 'Cow Head Creek Ranch' because 'Horse Head Creek' is just east of us. The skull find was the first thing on the land that spoke to us. We knew the name had to have something to do with that. Suddenly out of no where Dave said "How about Skull Creek Ranch'. I said I LOVED it! It was perfect. Gave the place a real western feel. And that was it. We had our name! Now we will have Skull Creek Dexters and maybe someday things like Skull Creek Trail Rides, Skull Aerial Photography, Skull Creek RC Club, Skull Creek Fjords......the possibilities really are endless. 

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