Dave is still out on the land. He is getting to know the place and currently working on smoothing out a runway for his RC plane. He didn't get much done today because he woke up to SNOW on the ground! Yuck! Quill Lake isn't much better. It's -2C (28F)here today with a bitter bitter wind. Yesterday was +20C (68) with a warm wind. I don't get Saskatchewan weather sometimes. So Dave just sent me this wonderful picture of a....grub? from his Blackberry. Ya, I am glad he picked it up and not me. Knowing him he probably kept it as a pet. lol!
Edited to add...
Apparently Dave has watched WAY too much Survivor Man. He ate it. Said it didn't taste too bad. So much for a pet. :(
eww, that edit made my throw up in my mouth LOL